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Reiki and Crystals

Reiki healing is a Japanese technique used to heal the physical and mental trauma that supports mental clarity and spiritual well-being.

When your chakras are out of balance and alignment, crystals will assist you by vibrating at the optimal frequency for each chakra.

Working in harmony, reiki and crystals release any stress, tension, anxiety and depression by allowing your energy field to flow naturally by balancing and aligning each chakra.

Healing crystals can push energy into your body, mind and soul through vibrational frequencies. This is similar to the way electricity works by conducting and transferring energy into an object. A crystal can harness energy from the quantum field and send it into your own energy field.



The Root Chakra has an earth energy and it is associated with the feeling of protection and grounding which lays the foundation for expansion in your life.

It gives much importance to the basics of survival, such as food, shelter, safety and a sense of comfort and belonging.


The Sacral Chakra’s energy is characterised by flexibility and flow.

It helps you deal with what comes out of your experiences and develops a response that’s influenced by your intelligence.

The Sacral Chakra’s close physical connection with the pelvis and the reproductive organs makes it the main chakra for pleasure, whether through sensuality or daily life experiences.


The Solar Plexus Chakra gives you momentum to move forward and realise your personal desires and intentions.

It feeds your direction in life and guides you in the actions that you should take in order to attain your goals.

The Solar Plexus Chakra has an influence on thoughts about your self-image and your social status.

It’s associated with your expression of will and your intellectual abilities. It also helps you harness your personal power and manifest your ideas and plans into reality.


The Heart Chakra reflects how you relate to people and how you handle relationships

It provides empathy, compassion and it is responsible for your ability to forgive and accept.

It is also the Chakra that is involved in changes and transformations.

With an open and balanced Heart Chakra, you are able to grieve, let go and attain peace and tranquility.


The Throat Chakra is associated with certain behavioural and psychological characteristics.

It represents expression and your ability to speak out and express your truth.

It signifies both verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as internal and external communication.

The Throat Chakra is all about expressing yourself, It fills you with the truth, with your purpose in life and with an abundant source of creativity.


The Third Eye Chakra is the concept of ‘seeing’ specifically in a psychic and spiritual sense.

Having a strong Third Eye Chakra allows you to use your enhanced inner guidance that comes from a more powerful intuitive ability.

The Third Eye Chakra is associated with heightened spiritual growth, positive attitudes and a more generous and humanitarian attitude towards life.


The Crown Chakra connects you to the universe, as well as to the divine source of creation.

You will receive many gifts from the Crown Chakra, including the experience of unity and the unselfish realisation that everything in this world is connected or linked to everything at a fundamental level.