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Cleanse your space of negative energy with your home cleansing kit and bring in love, protection and healing.
Burning Sage can be done to a new item, such as jewellery, furniture, or clothing, to protect or dispel it of negative energy. Items related to negative experiences or memories may also be smudged.
Burning Sage over special objects, to acknowledge the object with sacred meaning or when moving into a new home or office space in order to clear the previous owners energy and set your own intention for the space.
Black Tourmaline tumbled stone is one of the most powerful crystals to protect your home, as it carries an extremely high vibrational grounding and protective energy. Leave this ttowards the entrance of your home.
AAA grade Clear Quartz tumbled stone can be programmed for any intention and enhances the energy of other crystals. It helps cleanse, focus the mind and brings mental clarity.
AAA grade Rose Quartz tumbled stone brings a peaceful, calming and soothing atmosphere to a room. Associated with love, it can be used to attract and encourage loving relationships, romance and harmony to your home. Leave this in your living room.
Selenite has the ability to quickly unblock stagnant or stale energy, removing any negative energy from your home. Leave this on your front door frame.
Please note: 10cm selenite is sold in this kit. Tumbled stones do not always sit on selenite.